Our mission at Conqueror Technologies is to establish a better and easier computer life for all, making your day
more productive at work or home where you don't have to worry about any computer related problems setting you back.
Our core business includes:
→ Sellers of Computer equipment and consumables to your exact need
→ The installation of all computer equipment as well as aftercare services
→ The solving of all computer hardware and software problems
→ Network support such as intranet, internet connections and e-mail
We distinguish ourselves from other computer resellers, installation and maintenance technicians in the sense that all
defect consumable commodities will be fetched, repaired and returned within the shortest time possible.
Although our main focus is on computers, we are also active in a lot of other areas where we provide you with
affordable services and the best quality available.
more productive at work or home where you don't have to worry about any computer related problems setting you back.
Our core business includes:
→ Sellers of Computer equipment and consumables to your exact need
→ The installation of all computer equipment as well as aftercare services
→ The solving of all computer hardware and software problems
→ Network support such as intranet, internet connections and e-mail
We distinguish ourselves from other computer resellers, installation and maintenance technicians in the sense that all
defect consumable commodities will be fetched, repaired and returned within the shortest time possible.
Although our main focus is on computers, we are also active in a lot of other areas where we provide you with
affordable services and the best quality available.
Leading information service provider
Solving any IT problems